The Albanian Australian Islamic Society (AAIS) organised a collection during last year’s Kurban Bayram Picnic at Bacchus Marsh. The funds raised on this day were used to sponsor the building of a water well at a village in Bangladesh.
This is the 3rd Water Well that has been funded by members and families from the AAIS.
May Allah (swt) reward all those that gave to this good cause. Ameen!
Sr. Yasmine Ymer
AAIS Women’s Committee
Vitin e kaluar gjat piknikut per Bajram, Shoqata Islamike Shqiptar Australiane (AAIS) ka organizuar tubim te hollash, te cilat fonde jan shfrytezuar per te ndertuar ujsellesin e ri ne Banglladesh.
Ky është Ujsellesin i tretë që është financuar nga anëtarët dhe familjet e Shoqërisë sonë.
Zoti ju shperbleft te gjithve per kontributin drejt ketij qellimi. Amin!
Yasmine Ymer
Këshilli i Grave të AAIS-it